:P Vocaloid 3 is and was almost unusable bevause of glitches for me, so I'm pretty harsh on v5. They've never been this kind to us before.

They've been updating it and the 4 main vocalists so we've got no shortage of improvements, the last update not only fixed issues but improved a parameter. It's not very glitchy and I'm really happy with vocaloid 5. I can't comment much on styles except they make your life hard when you're a dino 🦕

I do everything manually including vibrato, so Ive only really used styles to tune my harmonies for me so I don't have to do them from scratch. I've been using vocaloid for 8 years, so I'm probably a little antiquated. My favorite editors are the vocaloid 1 and 2 editors so I'm somewhat biased in how v5 restored a lot of what I found lacking in V3 and 4. I'll be brief and this is probably super messy but I could wax lyrical on this for ever.